
The apple of smbТs eye Ц зеница ока
George was the apple of his fatherТs eye (W.S. Maugham)

Ask for bread and be given a stone Ц (по)просить хлеба, а получить камень
Nurse. Yes, I loved him. My love grew as I saw yours fadeЕ He asked for bread and you gave him a stone (W.S. Maugham)

As the sparks fly upward Ц неотвратимо, неизбежно; на роду написано
Some people are born to trouble, Charlie Ц born to trouble as the sparks fly upward (F. Norris)

At the eleventh hour Ц в последнюю минуту, в самый последний момент
And early in October came the great drive of the Germans towards AntwerpЕ Mr. Van der Pant had escaped at the eleventh hour (H.G. Wells)

At the parting of the ways Ц на распутье
Edwin Drood stands at the parting of the ways between the early Victorian and the modern attitude to murder in literature (V.S. Pritchett).
All right, sister, youТre at the parting of the ways. Either identify this guy or get hooked as an accessory (E.S. Gardner)

Babes and sucklings Ц новички, совершенно неопытные люди, сущие младенцы (ср: молоко на губах не обсохло)
Certainly we write not for babes and sucklongs but for the world at large (Morning Star)

Be a law into/unto oneself Ц жить по собственным законам, ни с чем не считатьс¤, кроме собственного мнени¤, идти наперекор традици¤м, обыча¤м, общеприн¤тым нормам (ср: сам себе закон)
The Chevenix-Gores are all arrogant as the devil Ц a law into themselves (A. Christie)
Gramps has always been a law unto himself. Heaven knows what heТll do (E.S. Gardner)

Be all things to all men Ц старатьс¤ угодить всем и каждому
Hampton was too theatrical, and all things to all men. He was not quite a gentleman (W. Du Bois).
In his campaign Jones has tried to appeal to every conceivable group of voters; heТll soon discover that no candidate can be all things to all men

Bear/carry oneТs/the cross Ц нести свой крест; безропотно переносить все превратности судьбы
However, I must bear my cross as best I may: least said is soonest mended (G.B. Shaw)

Beat swords into ploughshares Ц перековать мечи на орала, перейти к мирному труду
СBeat Swords Into PloughsharesТ is the motto of the day reflecting the Е peopleТs will to peace (New World Review)

Be in deep water(s) Ц находитьс¤ в т¤желом, затруднительном или опасном положении
With a cunning worthy of her cause, she waited till he was in deep water over British politics (J.Galsworthy)

A broken reed Ц человек, на которого нельз¤ положитьс¤, ненадежный человек; нечто не внушающее довери¤
He feared lest Pongo, when it came to the pinch, might prove a broken reed (P.G. Wodehouse)

By/with the skin of oneТs teeth Ц едва, еле-еле, чудом
She came tearing up in a taxicab and barely caught the bus by the skin of her teeth at Bakersfield (E.S. Gardner)/
They felt like men who with the skin of their teeth have escaped a sudden and violent death (W.S. Maugham)

By the sweat of oneТs brow Ц в поте лица (своего)
The peoples of all countries are not rich and the aristocratic Ц they are the common people, those who earn their bread by the sweat of their brows (G. Green)

Cast the first stone at smb. Ц бросить первый камень в кого-либо
They condemned her unanimously, and each and every crowded forward to cast the first stone, lest it might be thought that there was even one among them not without sin (R. Aldington)

Change oneТs spots Ц изменитьс¤ до неузнаваемости, изменить свою природу
IТm a coward. You cnnot expect me to change my spots to soon (Gr. Greene).
СAnd you reckon heТs using the same tactics now.Т СLeopards,Т said Hodge. СLeopards? DonТt change their bleeding spotsТ (Th. Sharpe)

Chapter and verse Ц точна¤ ссылка
Any books there were came fromЕ the public library except for СThe Old Curiosity ShopТ, and СDavid CopperfieldТ, which the read, as people used to read the Bible, over and over again till he could have quoted chapter and verse (Gr. Greene).
You must give me chapter and verse for your charge that he has been stealing. What exactly has he taken and when did it happen?

Clean hands Ц Ђчистые рукиї, незап¤тнанна¤ репутаци¤, честность
Lady Wanley. Are you ready still for any adventure that comes your way? Jack Straw. So long as I can do it with clean hands (W. S. Maugham)

Come to pass Ц произойти, иметь место
What Captain BulterЕ had anticipated, actually came to pass (W. S. Maugham). The epidemics of influenza which came to pass before I was thirteen brought death to members of many families I knew (W. Saroyan)

OneТs countenance/face fell Ц он (она, и т.д.) поник(ла) головой, у него (нее) физиономи¤ выт¤нулась
His face feel, and in bitter disappointment he sank heavily into a chair (W. S. Maugham)

The crumbs which fell from the rich manТs table Ц крохи с барского стола
СRhett, you are nice.Т СThanks for the crumbs from tour tableТ (M. Mitchell)

Cry/proclaim/shout from (proclaim upon) the house(-)tops Ц провозглашать во всеуслышание; кричать на всех перекрестках
I tell you IТm proud of them, so proud that I could shout it from the house-tops (N. Coward)

Daily bread Ц хлеб насущный, кусок хлеба, средства к существованию
How to earn daily bread by my pen was then the problem (G. B. Shaw)

David and Jonathan Ц ƒэвид и »онафан, неразлучные друзь¤
The affection of Damon and Pythias or that of David and Jonathan is not a circumstance to the love of the white Republican for the negro while the ballots are going on

Dig a pit for oneself/smb. (dig oneТs own grave/the grave of smb.) Ц самому себе/другому могилу рыть, самого себ¤ угробить (угробить, погубить кого-либо)
I strongly object to the type of paper where examinees, instead of being given a straightforward chance to show what they do know, have a pit dug for them in every question. СAnd I donТt like Glaushof,Т said the ColonelЕ СLet him dig his own graveТ (Th. Sharpe)

A doubting Thomas Ц ‘ома неверный (разг: неверующий), человек, которого трудно заставить поверить чему-либо, скептик
He was neither very happy nor very unhappy Ц a doubting Thomas without faith or hope in humanity, and without any particular affection for anybody (Th. Dreiser)

Drain/drink the cup (of bitterness, humiliation, etc) to the dregs Ц испить чашу (горечи, унижени¤ и т.п.) до дна
He must drain this cup too: must face, accept this last ultimate useless and reasonless risk (W. Faulkner).
Checco walked through with set face, very pale. We asked him to turn back, but he refused, slackening his pace to prolong the walk, as it gave him a certain painful pleasure to drain the cup of bitterness to the dregs (W. S. Maugham).
She despised herself when she remembered the utter self-abasement of the past. СHe made me drink the cup of humiliation to the very dregsТ (W. S. Maugham)

Draw a bow at a venture Ц сказать что-либо наугад, наудачу
He said: СWhat is the fishing like round here?Т And added drawing a bow at a venture, СIt should be goodТ (A. Powell)

A drop in the bucket/ocean Ц капл¤ в море
The House is aware that experiments in this direction have already been made, with conspicuous success, but such experiments are but drop in the bucket (J. Glasworthy).
СHeТll get a country grant,Т Mor mumbledЕ СYou know as well as I doЕ that a country grant is a drop in the oceanТ (J. Murdoch)

Dust and ashes Ц прах и тлен, тлен и суета (выражает горькое разочарование, мысль о ничтожности, бренности, недолговечности чего-либо)
Hate him she did not quite; but he was dust and a ashes to her, and even for her nameТs sake she scarcely wished to marry him (Th. Hardy).
But be sure of this, Count Styptich will be remembered long after you and I are dust and ashes (A. Christie).
You said to me once that life without me was dust and ashes to you (A. Christie).

Eat oneТs words Ц вз¤ть назад свои слова, вз¤ть свои слова обратно
СI beg your pardon! I never meant to hurt you. It isnТt easy for me to eat my words,Т Mr. Treffry said wistfully (J. Glasworthy)

Enough and to spare Ц более чем достаточно, больше чем нужно; за глаза довольно
We have had patience enough and spare (W. Scott).
SheТs probably had offers enough, she thought bitterly, offers enough and spare (D. Lessing)

Fall by the wayside Ц потерпеть неудачу, выйти из стро¤; спорт: не дойти до финала
We have started the course with twenty-five students, but than does not mean that they will all complete it; we always expect a certain number to fall by the wayside. Royal road (им¤ лошади) fell entirely by the wayside, the winner was number twelve (D. Francis)

Fall from grace Ц отойти от истинной веры, погубить свою душу
I had expected a severe reprimand for Уfalling from graceФЕ/ the mildness of his voice made my eyes smart (A.J. Cronin)

The fatted calf - обильное угощение, ¤ства
Patrick. ЕI got back just before lunch. Alfred. Trust you for that. And I bet you walloped into the fatted calf. Patrick (with hauteur). I managed to swallow a morsel of cold chicken (W.S. Maugham)

A fly in the ointment Ц ложка дегт¤ в бочке меда
The only fly in the ointment of my peaceful days was Mrs. CavendishТs extraordinary/// preference for the society of Dr. Bauerstein (A. Christie)

Forbidden fruit Ц запретный плод
His father successfully prevented Galileo from even knowing that there was such a subject as mathematics until at the age of nineteen he happened, as an eavesdropper to overhear a lecture on geometry. He seized with avidity upon the subject, which had for him all the charm of forbidden fruit (B. Russel).
СMrs. Biggs hardly comes within the categories of forbidden fruit,Т tittered the Bursar (Th. Sharpe)

Gall and wormwood Ц нечто ненавистное, постылое; нож острый
Madame Arcati. I cannot bring myself to admit defeat so easily Ц it is gall and wormwood to me (N. Coward)

Give up the ghost Ц испустить дух, умереть
Oh, Nola girl, if you only knew what mystery weТve been undergoing, you be considerate and fetch us a drink before we give up the ghost (C. MacInnes)

Go from strength to strength Ц крепнуть с каждым днем, непрерывно улучшатьс¤
His enthusiasm for running had by no means abated; in fact it seemed to have gone from strength to strength (Th. Wilder)

The golden rule Ц Ђзолотое правилої, мудрое правило, помогающее всегда и всем
They consider their own intelligence as far above a simple maxim like the Golden Rule (Th. Dreiser).
Tell him not to be impatient. ThatТs the golden rule in politics (C. Hare)

Guiding light/star Ц путеводна¤ звезда
СDad was the founder of the company, the leading philosopher and guiding light for us always,Т Walton says (Newsweek).
Duchesse. Е He said I was his guiding star and his guardian angel (W. S. Maugham)

The handwriting/writing on the wall Ц зловещее предзнаменование
With every day the danger was growing, the handwriting on the wall becoming clearer, and finally, as a few wise men had foreseen, dogs of war once again were loosed upon the world (A. J. Cronin)
In this house of his there was writing on every wall. His business-like temperament protested against a mysterious warning that she was not made for him (J. Galsworthy)

Harden oneТs heart Ц ожесточитьс¤, стать бесчувственным, бессердечным; его (ее и т.д.) сердце ожесточилось
When Mrs Smeeth was quietly polite to him, it meant she had really hardened her heart (J. B. Priestley)
I hardened my heart and drove away all her offers to remain friends (S. Howatch)

Have clean hands Ц иметь чистую совесть, быть честным человеком; не быть замешанным в чем-л.
I told them that my hands were clean, but they still demanded to search my house

Hide oneТs light under a bushel Ц зарывать (свой) талант в землю, скрывать свой ум, свои таланты
Personality, of course, you must have, though without real eccentricity; but it must not be personality which hid its light under a bushel (J. Galsworthy)

The holy of holies Ц св¤та¤ св¤тых
In the gold room, Уthe holy of holiesФ, which visitors were rarely permitted to enter, the girls saw the amalgam roasted and pure gold run off into moulds (K.S. Prichard)

A house divided against itself Ц раздор между своими, междоусобица
What ignorance of the French temper it showed when the Germans thought that in France they were fighting a house divided against itself (W. S. Maugham)

In high places Ц в высших сферах
Lincoln nodded. СAnd I am criticized for putting too many Democrats in high places. I should have doubled the blameТ (G. Vidal).
The General had influence in high places (Th. Sharpe)

The inner man Ц внутреннее Ђ¤ї, ум, душа
Nor was this appearance only; the odd shape reflected something in the inner man. Mr. Gibbon, it was noticed, was always slightly overdressed (L. Strachey)

In season and out of season Ц всегда, посто¤нно, все врем¤; не счита¤сь ни с чем, кстати и некстати
Misfortunes plague this family in season and out of season. When the preachers shouted УHallelujahФ he shouted УHallelujahФ also; shouted again and again in season and out of season, shouted until he was hoarse, and the perspiration poured down his crimsoning face (H. Caine)

In the flesh Ц во плоти, сам, собственной персоной
СYour fatherТs here?Т СHeТs here, all right. In the fleshТ (J. OТHara)
In spite of myЕ dislike of the movies, I was overwhwlmwd to be able to actually see this great star in the flesh (G. Vidal)

In the twinkling of an eye Ц в мгновение ока
Stella. I wish someone would explain haw it is that a dab of powder can in the twinkling of an eye reduce a womanТs nose from an unwidely lump to dear little thing that no one can deny is her best feature (W.S. Maugham)

A JobТs comforter Ц горе-утешитель
СCome, come,Т she said gently. СWe canТt be mutual JobТs comfortersЕ Cheer up, old boy!Т (P.H. Johnson)

A judg(e)ment of Solomon - соломоново решение, мудрое решение
A French judge at the conciliation hearing divided custody of the child Ц then only a year old Ц between the two parents giving three monthsТ custody to each alternately. This judgement of Solomon was greeted by most French lawyers with incredulity (The Sunday Times)

Kick against the pricks Ц упр¤митьс¤; лезть на рожон
Robert. Well, now look here, Caroline. ItТs no good kicking against the pricks. WeТve got to marry. Caroline (energetically). IТm hanged if we do (W.S. Maugham).
СYouТre a philosopher, Mr Black.Т СNo, no. I just know enough not to start kicking against the pricksТ (A. Christie)

A labour of love Ц бескорыстный труд
Stanley. ЕIТm not going to make a nickel on this play, Frank. With me itТs a labor of love (J. OТHara)

A land flowing with milk and honey Ц страна изобили¤; молочные и кисельные берега
It is a land flowing with milk and honey, a land of the heartТs desire (R. Hichens)

A leading/shining light Ц светило, знаменитость, корифей
The executive branch of government especially is run mainly by the leading lights of high finance, its chief manipulators and managers, all men of wealth and some having great fortunes (V. Perlo)/
What Eugene and what White thought of this prospective situation was that the other would naturally be the minor figure, and that he under Colfax would be the shining light (Th. Dreiser)

A lost sheep Ц заблудша¤ овца, человек, сбившийс¤ в пути истинного
It was plain that she had erred and strayed like a lost sheep, and had been duly if severally punished (R. Aldington)

Make light of smb/smth. Ц относитьс¤ к кому-л/чему-л. несерьезно, легкомысленно, не принимать кого-л/что-л. всерьез; пренебрегать кем-л/чем-л, недооценивать кого-л/что-л.; считать что-л. несущественным, неважным, не придавать значени¤ чему-л; смотреть сквозь пальцы на что-л.
He made light of the danger. He gave Willis to understand that it had not been very great (W.S. Maugham).
She was a trifle taken aback at this remark. He had never used that tone with her before. She thought the best thing was to make light of it (W.S. Maugham).

Manna from heaven Ц манна небесна¤
The spare can of petrol the farmer produced when he found Paul stranded on the moor with his motorbike, was like manna from heaven to him

The massacre/slaughter of the innocents Ц избиение младенцев
A band [стадо] had been crossing just at the moment of the engineТs passage. The pathos of it was beyond expression. It was a slaughter, a massacre of innocents (F. Norris)

A mote in smbТs eye Ц Ђсучок в чужом глазуї, чужой недостаток
But I refuse to condemn others for the mote in their eye when there is a beam in my own (Th. Dreiser)

New wine in old bottles Ц Ђмолодое вино в ветхих мехахї, новое содержание в старой форме
The spirit had animated the prose of Chateaubriand and the poetry of Lamartine; but it was the spirit only: the form of both those writers retained most of the important characteristics of the old tradition. It was new wine in old bottles (L. Strachey)

(As) old as Methuselah Ц стар как ћафусаил, преклонных лет
He must be as old as Methuselah Ц he was a grey-bearded old man when I was a boy

The olive branch Ц оливкова¤ ветвь, символ мира; попытка примирени¤, мирное предложение
Lester had long suspected that Robert would like to make up. This was the olive branch (Th. Dreiser).
СGood morning, Cousin Clarissa,Т I said guardedly. СI thank you for the olive branch and accept it with pleasureТ (S. Howatch)

Open the door(s) to smth. Ц открыть путь, дорогу чему-л.; дать возможность дл¤ чего-л.
I have demonstrated that I canТt desctibe Deer Isle. There is something about it that opens no door to words (J. Steinbeck)
In this way the Geneva Conference opened the doors to a new perspective for peace (R. P. Dutt)

A/the parting of the ways Ц выбор (обыкн. at the parting of the ways Ц перед выбором; на распутье)
Edwin Drood stands at the parting of the ways between the early Victorian and the modern attitude to murder in literature (K. S. Pritchard)
All right, sister, you are at the parting of the ways. Either identify this guy or get hooked as an accessory (E.S. Gardner)

Possess oneТs soul in patience Ц запастись терпением
Laura. What is it, mother? Amanda. Possess your soul in patience Ц you will see! (T. Williams)

The powers that be Ц сильные мира сего, власти предержащие, власть имущие
Clyde Mercer was a careerist of a very special kind, a man of altogether priceless value to the powers that be in Canada (D. Carter)

Put oneТs hand to the plough Ц начать работу, прин¤тьс¤ за дело, приступить к чему-л., вз¤тьс¤ за что-л., приложить руку к чему-л.
What was he to do? One thing, and one thing only Ц go forward. He had put his hand to the plough, and he wasnТt the one to look back. He would start a new play that very night (S. OТCasey)

Put/set oneТs/own house in order Ц Ђнавести пор¤док в собственно домеї, устроить свои дела, привести свои дела в пор¤док; исправить свои ошибки
Putting the 44-year old Mr. Milken in prison for ten years will change little unless corporate America and its financiers choose to put their own house in orderЕ When the good times and the big deals return, crooks just as bad as Mr. Milken will resurface (The Economist).
Once IrelandТs free of England itТll be easier to the house in order (I. Murdoch)

Reap where one has not sown Ц пожинать плоды чужого труда
We admire aesthetically the marvelous masonry and architecture of the Great PyramidЕ fruits of the hard labour unjustly imposed on the many to produce the fine flowers of civilization for the exclusive enjoyment of a few who reap what they have not sown (A. J. Toynbee)

Rise from the dead Ц восстать из мертвых
A decade after it looked certain to fall, the American steel industry has risen from the dead (The Economist)

Root and branch Ц основательно, радикально, коренным образом совершенно, совсем
He had wasted his life, he had wrecked himself, with his accursed weakness and now he was done with it Ц he would tear it out of him root and branch! (U.Sinclair)
This is a bad law and the government should remove it root and branch

Rule with a rod of iron Ц деспотически править, управл¤ть железной рукой; держать в ежовых рукавицах
Hi did not know what sickness was, never had an ache or pain, ate his food with gusto, and riled his brothers with a rod of iron (Th. Dreiser).
Teddy. Talk about henpecking Ц Doris riles her old count with a rod of iron (T. Rattigan)

Safe and sound Ц цел и невредим, жив-здоров
You must keep busy and try not to fret. If we believe Steve and Bill will come back to us safe and sound it must help (K.S. Prichard)
The ship was nearly wrecked in a blow, but anchored in a bay, safe and sound (K.S. Pritchard)

The salt of the earth Ц соль земли
We no longer accept these country gentlemen, these opulent ladies who drive about in barouches, as the salt of the earth, and their behaviour too often strikes us as vulgar and trivial (W.S. Maugham)
So has closed the life of a working-class woman and mother typical of millions, their names never heard of, save in their own homes, but they are in truth the salt of the earth (H. Pollitt)

The scales fell from oneТs eyes Ц пелена спала с чьих-л. глаз
Margaret realized that, though an odious attraction bound her to the man, she loathed and feared hom. The scales fell from her eyes (W.S. Maugham)

Search oneТs heart/soul Ц загл¤нуть к себе в душу, проверить свои чувства; анализировать свои поступки
The teacher searched his heart trying to decide if he had been unfair in failing the boy

Separate the sheep from the goats Ц отдел¤ть овец от козлищ, отделить вредное от полезного, плохое от хорошего
СI wish I had a brain like yours,Т said Lord Ickenham. СWhat an amazing thing. I suppose you could walk down a line of people, giving each of them a quick glance, and separate the sheep from the goatsТ (P.G. Wodehouse)

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